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This week we are going to discuss about Kohesio, a platform that enables you to search EU funded projecteasily and openly.

The European Union used 32.5% of it's budget in 2014 - 2021 (about 350 billion euros) for Cohesion Policies. These finance every year tens of thousands of projects across Europe. These projects aim at reducing the economical gap between member states, helping young people to find a job, financing key technologies, helping enterprises and so much more.

On a high level this is implemented as follow. The European Union fixes priorities and distributes part of its budget to the member states to implement these. This is done on a national level in the form of projects. The projects that get financed are published by the member states in so called list of operations.

This is where Kohesio comes into play.

Explainability[edit | edit source]

Kohesio define.5d789c58.pngThe aim of Kohesio is to collect all the list of operations (and there are hundreds) and aggregate them. The list of operations are similar but not standardised. They express information like the name of the project, the location, the budget, the beneficiary, the start date and many more.Kohesio finds and uniforms this data in the "EU Knowledge Graph" in entries like this.

The Knowledge Graph is basically the Wikidata of the Commission since we use the same software. The data is then enriched via translations and geographical information, linked with Wikidata and more.

After all these steps we publish the information on Kohesio Web where it can be explored by citizens. In this way, the data becomes accessible and transparent.

That's it for this week!

See you next week!The QA Company